Portrait Artists !!!!!

1. Terry Richardson

Terry Richardson is an American Photographer famous for his portraits of famous celebs and also his work in fashion photography doing ad campaigns for brands such as Supreme, Tom Ford and Marc Jacobs. Also he has photographed many celebrities for magazines such as GQ, Rolling Stone and Vogue. He's famous for his racy, raw, and mind blowing portraits. Whether it's Lady Gaga in a wet t-shirt or casual shots of Obama in a suit and tie. His style is recognizable instantly and he is infamous for his griminess, both good and bad.

2. Gunner Stahl
Gunner Stahl is an American photographer who has come into fruition in the last 3 years for being in the right place at the right time. His style which he describes as raw and up close and personal, is looked at in envy due to the fact that he gets artist in their most intimate moments. He's positioned himself as the go to guy predominantly in hip-hop to get your pictures taken by.

3. Chi Modu
Chi Modu is an American photojournalist and self described cultural observer, who's work is synonymous in documenting the rise of hip hop's dominance during the 90's. He grew relationships with Hip-Hop's most famous artist of all time such as The Notorious B.I.G. Tupac and LL Cool J.

4.Bryan Lewis Saunders
Bryan Saunders was introduced me in middle school and his work was imprinted on my mind for the thought of thinking him complete his work mind boggled me. He draws self portraits of himself while on various substances. It is insightful to see how the mind works when it is being altered.
5.Arturo Torres
Arturo Torres is a Dallas based New York Times bestseller artist who does portrait illustrations of famous people and also political figures. His book "Rap Yearbook" is a New York Times best seller and depicts an ABC style yearbook of various hip hop artists.

6.Frida Kahlo
Frida Khalo is a famous Mexican painter who's self portraits have lived on long past her lifetime famously.
